Instrumentation Module 1 Flash Replacement

How awesome would it be to have all of your important documents and credentials that you have earned during your time as an apprentice, or as a journey-level worker, right at your fingertips? Suppose an immediate need arises with your contractor, and you are needed to work at a secure facility, but before you can go, your clearance information is needed. Will you have it readily available, or will you miss out? The electrical training ALLIANCE is excited to announce one of the many amazing features within the PTSI Online Learning System (OLS) — the My Records Area.
The electrical training ALLIANCE has been diligently working on updating the available training resources for the LMS Instructor. In recent years, the training materials were updated from the original LMS Instructor course to a Managing Electrical Training resource area. Today, the course has been improved upon and updated to be the Instructors main stop for (more…)
The original Harassment Prevention: Awareness and Responsibilities course was made available on the LMS back in May 2019. This course meets the requirements for training on this topic as defined by The Department of Labor (DOL). While federally, there is no current requirement for renewal training on the topic, many states and jurisdictions require yearly recertification or training. To support this, we have published a new 2020 edition of the course. (more…)
The Chrome browser has made a recent change affecting how PDFs are displayed. This is true when accessing some of our linked PDFs from our site just like it is from other internet sites.
The issue is that users are unable to view the entire document when opening that document in a Chrome browser. The user may be limited to seeing the first page of the PDF and not being able to scroll to other pages. The entire PDF may be viewed by downloading it to the user’s local device and opening from there. Currently, this issue is specific to Chrome browsers. We have found a solution to the problem and are addressing the issue as we find PDF documents showing the described symptoms. If you or your students encounter this issue of not being able to view all pages of a PDF, please submit an errata ticket from within that particular lesson and then download the PDF for viewing or view it from within a different browser.
Thanks For Reading!
The following message was shared by Executive Director Todd Stafford to all programs on September 17, 2020, via Broadcast Memo.
As a reminder of this change happening, here is that message again, coming to you via the Blended Learning Blog. – Please have a wonderful weekend.
The electrical training ALLIANCE strives to meet the daily needs of our JATCs by continually improving curriculum content and delivering tools for the benefit of the apprentice. Following vNTI, we were asked by Training Directors about modifying some of the available settings in the Learning Management System (LMS). Our goal, just like yours, is and always has been to help the apprentice engage in quality learning during their apprenticeship and throughout their careers. With that in mind, last month, we sent out a survey to get feedback from you regarding two LMS settings: Activity Access Locking and Review Mode Access Locking.
For a review of the full descriptions of these settings, please access this link. (Be sure to click on the image to view the full 2-page PDF)
The results are in. Thank you to all those who participated in the survey. We heard you, and we are taking action. The positive responses and thoughtful comments that we received regarding both features were outstanding and appreciated. It is together that we will best provide solutions to help in training within this industry.
The two settings that we were asked to survey you about require different levels of effort to enact and maintain.
Based on your feedback to the survey, we have determined to begin using this setting at a 60% level. This setting is not at all to state that anyone believes 60% is an acceptable value of proficiency on coursework; however, we are merely modifying what is currently set at
0% and raising the minimum level of effort on quizzes to access a quiz review to 60%. This, in turn, continues to allow you and your programs to administer local policies on performance requirements. The use of the report data continues to enable you to administer your own local response to performance requirements.
To say it another way, your JATC’s local policies and procedures should still dictate the successful coursework completion requirements as this setting does not make any changes to the construct of what you have made for your apprentice requirements.
September is a busy month for training, for planning, for fixing, and then for rinsing and repeating among all the many things…As with many well-laid plans, sometimes a few things do not go according to them. Please read on to note an announcement about the best access to the Inside and Outside Transformer Simulators when using Microsoft Edge of Firefox; a note about an issue with our errata submission process from September 4th to 12th; and a quick announcement about the release of the Motor Control Simulator. (more…)
The LMS Assessments area has recently added two helpful improvement features to support both in-person and remote testing. These additions, along with local policies, standards and control augment the LMS Assessments tool to support your training and evaluation needs. Be sure to (more…)
A New Weekly Video Podcast Series Featuring IBEW Electricians
Retelling Their Success Stories of Winning Long-Term Customers
There’s a new and unique addition to the Blended Learning course offering. It’s entitled What Works for Me | Bringing the Code of Excellence to Life. It is delivered via weekly 7-minute video podcasts. In highly engaging one-on-one interviews with IBEW electricians from locations all over the US, Leticia
Fedora, the moderator, each week reveals a new success story of how a journeyman created a long-term relationship with a customer—or, perhaps, saved one. All of the lessons learned tie back to the philosophy embedded in the IBEW Code of Excellence. The series has received enthusiastic reviews from all across the country for its one-of-a-kind style and great takeaways. Herself a veteran journeyman and apprenticeship instructor, Leticia ends each episode reminding the audience that, with customers, it’s not just the quality of your work that counts. Equally important is how you made them feel. Each What Works for Me episode entry in the LMS is accompanied with a trio of questions which apprenticeship instructors can use to stimulate classroom discussion about the videos.
See also the SGT LLC website for more details: www.sgtllc.org
An internet outage affected the electrical training ALLIANCE systems today, (8/30/20) as it did many other providers. The issue was found to be with a third-party internet transit provider incident with Century Link that then cascaded to affect many other services. This meant services like Cloudflare, Hulu, the PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, Feedly, Discord, and dozens of other services, like ours, reported connectivity problems Sunday morning. Please see this post for more details.
We saw issues appear on our monitors with the LMS, TMS and the IC systems just after 6:30am EDT Sunday. These issues were intermittent but began to stabilize fully just after 11am EDT. A notice was posted to the login pages of all systems, as well as status on onlinesystemstatus.org. These notices were pulled down following recovery of the programs.
We have a team continuing to monitor the situation and will post updates as needed. We know how important these services are and will continue as always to monitor and communicate regarding site access.