The required textbook for all Advanced courses will need to be purchased separate from your LMS enrollments effective the weekend of February 25-26. The “with text” feature in the LMS Advanced course enrollments will no longer be available. The price for all impacted LMS courses will be reduced to reflect this change. You must still purchase your Core Curriculum textbooks by purchasing the SUITE package for each year.
The addition of the Installer/Technician curriculum to the LMS and the inclusion of the Residential curriculum in the fall of 2017 complicates the “w/ text” feature. Textbooks included in Inside Wireman Advanced courses that are part of the Installer/Technician and Residential curriculum are purchased in SUITES, just like the Inside Wireman program. This creates an ordering conflict where the books included in the Installer/Technician and Residential SUITES are also included with many of the Inside Wireman Advanced courses that feature “w/ text”, which would create duplication of many of the required textbooks. Due to this issue, the decision was made to discontinue the “w/ text” feature for the Advanced courses.
You must order the required textbooks for the Advanced courses at the
electrical training ALLIANCE online bookstore which is accessed from our website at Once you log in to the bookstore, select “New Order” and then select “Journeyman/Advanced” from the Group 1 drop down menu as seen below. You will need to select your topic from the Group 2 drop down menu. The courses are listed in alphabetical order. If you have any questions please contact customer service at 888.652.4007.