A Handful of September 2020 LMS Notices

September is a busy month for training, for planning, for fixing, and then for rinsing and repeating among all the many things…As with many well-laid plans, sometimes a few things do not go according to them. Please read on to note an announcement about the best access to the Inside and Outside Transformer Simulators when using Microsoft Edge of Firefox; a note about an issue with our errata submission process from September 4th to 12th; and a quick announcement about the release of the Motor Control Simulator. (more…)

2020-2021 Latest Available Curriculum

We promised that as new curriculum became available, we would let you know. Since April, we have made you aware of what is new, what is happening, and what is available through the blogs at the electrical training ALLIANCE. In April, we let you know that the 2020 Curriculum Catalog Planning Guide was available and how to download it. In June, we gave you insight into how to use the 2020 Curriculum and Planning Toolsand we updated you with the New LMS Courses that were Turned On. July 2, 2020, provided an even longer list with New 2020-21 Curriculum Updates. And today, for all Inside, Installer/Tech, and Residential training centers, the following courses are now available. (more…)

New 2020-2021 Curriculum Update

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s get ready to order! It is July already, and now is the time to order the curriculum from the ’20-21 Training Essentials catalog. Our curriculum calendar year for ’20-21 began July 1st and continues to June 30th of ’21.  Since the June 22, 2020 blog was posted letting you know about new course availability, we are pleased to announce that even more courses are turned on and available for you.


2020 Curriculum and Planning Tools Are Ready

The 2020-21 electrical training ALLIANCE curriculum continues to roll out some new and exciting resources. First, the ’20-21 Training Essentials catalog was released in April, and made available for download by logging into the member’s area of our site. The ’20-21 student Syllabi, and the Course Level and Credit Summary (CLCS) Catalog and Roadmap view worksheets are also available… well…in the CLCS. Now as we near the July 1 date for the ’20-21 content use, many courses have been made available. (more…)

2020 Curriculum Catalog Planning Guide is Now Available

The new electrical training ALLIANCE 2020 Training Essentials catalog is now available from the electrical training ALLIANCE website. When you are ready and the time is right – Planning can start now for the next school year. To access and download the catalog, log in to the member’s area of the site. Once there, click on the Resources tab and then click the Downloads link. You will find the Catalog as a list item and from there both the current catalogs as well as the new ones are there for downloading. — As a reminder: Placing orders from the new catalog may not begin until July 2020. Orders needing to be placed before then need to be made using the 2019 catalog.


Adobe Flash and the Final Updates Regarding the ETS

On December 31st, 2020, Adobe Systems will officially stop updating and distributing Adobe Flash.  Several industries and businesses have been built around Flash technology — including gaming, education and video.  To be ready for this change, the LMS team at the electrical training ALLIANCE began planning and revising system components over three years ago.  Today we are excited to share that we are nearing the day where (more…)

Practicing for Leadership: The Foreman Development Series

Practicing Leadership: The Foreman Development Series

The electrical training ALLIANCE is excited to announce the continuation of the leadership course topics within the Blended Learning System. At the beginning of 2018 the ALLIANCE released the Preparing for Leadership course, which is intended to be taught in apprenticeship and, as the name indicates, prepare students for the opportunity, after they become Journey-level workers, to lead (more…)