WHY: Over the last several months, the existing Module 1 components have been modified to work in the HTML 5 style format. With the update of the component coding, several errata and user interface issues related to the current course were also addressed. This was done in a chunked format so that a new course would not be created, thereby preserving the work and reports your students have already completed.
HOW: Three significant changes will occur during the changeover. One will entail replacing the educational components, currently built in FLASH, of the even Lessons 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12, with HTML versions. Also, videos will be added into the quiz portion of Lesson 2 (Math), which will replace the existing animations and streamline the math educational function. Lastly, a new introduction video has been created to explain several key user interface topics to succeed in the course. This video is required to be watched before the student can navigate to the course, and it is also part of the Getting Started on this course page.
WHEN: The changeover will take place on November 5-6, 2020. Course completions and grades will not be affected; however, anyone who is midstream in a lesson may have to repeat the lesson on their next login. Repeating a lesson can be avoided by having students complete any lesson they are currently in and not beginning a new lesson until after the changeover period.
Click the image to view the Instrumentation Module 1 Getting Started video.