This post offers a few links to some resources that may be used to empower your Blended Learning training efforts. Some of these have been here for a while, some have been updated and a couple have been added for this, the latest edition of the post. There are currently 8 items that have been found to be useful, especially for those new to Learning Management Systems, new to it’s use as a student or administrator, or just in need of a specific tool — including how to enable Flash. Click on the image next to each explanation of the items to download. The 8 items are
- Fillable Student Form
Click image for download - Defines a couple of the most often incurred problems and allows the student to take ownership in remembering how to handle them. These are the web address of Blended Learning, their username and password, how to handle popup blockers and where to find help.
- Defines a couple of the most often incurred problems and allows the student to take ownership in remembering how to handle them. These are the web address of Blended Learning, their username and password, how to handle popup blockers and where to find help.
- Student LMS Handout
Click image for download - This document relays as much info as possible in as short an explanation as possible from a student’s perspective.
- It includes descriptions of how to access, what devices to use and how the Lesson activities work.
- TD/Instructor LMS Handout
Click image for download - This document looks very similar to the Student version, but focuses on the role of the TD and Instructor.
- This document goes on to define what the minimum recommended operating system would be if in the market to purchase a new machine to access the LMS.
- Jeopardy Game Activity
Click image for download - This is a completed PowerPoint-Jeopardy game that is one thought on how train on the handouts listed above in an active and fun way.
- We have used this both with groups of apprentices and instructors going through an orientation class on the LMS.
- Report Navigation Mind-Map
Click image for download - This document defines the list of all the main reports available on the LMS, how to navigate to them, how to access the same report from different locations and what features are available once there.
- This document defines the list of all the main reports available on the LMS, how to navigate to them, how to access the same report from different locations and what features are available once there.
- Link to Advanced Question Type Help Videos
Click image for download - This link will take the user to the help video page of the LMS to see all the various advanced question types and how to interact with them. Each video clearly demonstrates the use, functions and key concepts that should be understood by all users of the LMS. These videos are and have been accessible from each of these question types from within quizzes as well as from LMS Support.
- This link will take the user to the help video page of the LMS to see all the various advanced question types and how to interact with them. Each video clearly demonstrates the use, functions and key concepts that should be understood by all users of the LMS. These videos are and have been accessible from each of these question types from within quizzes as well as from LMS Support.
- Enabling Flash in your Browsers
Click image for download - This document shows the steps for how to enable flash on all of the main browsers
recommended for use with the LMS. Often browsers are updated and can change local user settings. This item lists the steps to make sure LMS Flash content is viewable.
- This document shows the steps for how to enable flash on all of the main browsers
- System Requirements
Click image for download - This document identifies what operating systems, browsers and software needs are required to run all of the LMS. Items 2 and 3 above include this kind of info as they describe all of the LMS however, this item stays specific to the device needs.
To access a resource simply click on the image, review, then download if desired.
Resources will be maintained an updated. When this occurs a new edited post will be uploaded to let you know. The most recent updated items in the above list are items 5, 6 and 7.