The Blended Learning Management System went through, and completed,
a large phase of maintenance and updates this weekend, as you may have seen by the notification that had been posted on the login pages for the last month-plus.
Teams of developers, administrators, and quality assurance testers started the process at 8am EDT on Saturday, July 1st. All the planning and coordination of the previous months paid off. The teams were highly coordinated similar in fashion to
maintenance outages for some industrial projects. The main work of the updates were completed Saturday. Quality assurance teams have and will continue to test the system however, initial testing has shown the upgrade and maintenance to have been a success. Thank you for your patience as we completed this process.
The work included updating the LMS framework to a more recent version as well as some other modifications to improve the security and performance of the LMS. Users of the LMS should not notice any functional changes. This upgrade of the LMS allows us to continue to provide a powerful learning platform